Weight Loss Tips from Personal Trainer Daniel Wellard | Physio4Life

How To Maintain A Regular Exercise Regime And Become The Person Who Looks Good And Feels Great!

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How to maintain a regular exercise regime and become the person who looks good and feels great.  And have fun doing it!

This morning I was sitting on the train listening to 2 ladies talk about their weight loss strategy for 2016.

“From January I’m really going to get fit and lose 2 stone (13kg for metric people)” 

“I’ve joined Virgin gym and I’m planning to go 3-4 times per week.”


Same old story and no results!

I’ve heard this so many times. January being the month when health and fitness is top of the agenda. It’s on the news, there are lots of  TV programmes about what’s healthy etc.

Then a few weeks into the new year, things revert back to normal. Any of the weight that was lost in January gradually goes back on as old habits come back.

Why you never seem to reach your weight loss goals

Part of the reason is THEY ARE NOT ACCOUNTABLE TO ANYONE OR ANYTHING ! Let’s be honest, some people find exercise easy, but many of us find it a chore at times and will find any excuse manageable to avoid it.

Let’s make up a fictional character

Let’s make up a fictional character, but a character who is very alike to many people starting a new regime in Jan. We will call this person Bettie.

Bettie is fed up with feeling overweight, tired all the time and stressed. She decides that from January 2016 she is going to change. She makes some promises to herself –

I want to lose weight, therefore I’m going to  stop being  a lazy git (go to gym 0-1 times per week) and go 4 times a week.

Then a few weeks into 2016, Bettie begins to get fed up with exercising in a hectic gym, doing the same thing, because she hasn’t the time to research different workouts that will help her look good and feel great.

Motivation slumps and because there is no-one to be accountable to, 4 sessions drops to 3, 3 sessions to 2 and eventually she  stops. Old habits manifest themselves and boom, she’s back to where she began.

This is very common, and happens year after year after year to many people. That’s why I  get emails from old clients wanting to come back to bootcamp.

They are not accountable to someone, so it’s easier to skip workouts, they go back to old habits and begin to lose that sense of feeling good.

2 people are returning to Bootcamp in January. One signed up last night.

She found that they don’t  have the time and motivation to exercise on their own on a regular basis. They miss the family atmosphere of training with the same, small group of friendly people on a regular basis. They also miss the regular body fat assessments and said that these helped keep them ‘in check’ with the diet guidelines I recommend.

In January, we have a new challenge and a new tabata timer (thanks to Barbara):

 ‘Junk Free January’

by Daniel Wellard Physio4Life’s Personal Trainer and Nutritionist
So make sure you’re signed up with Daniel for our weight loss bootcamp here in Putney for 2016. Contact reception on admn@physio4life.co.uk or 0208 7045 998

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