Get To The Gym And Squeeze That Butt - Physio4Life Personal Trainer

Get to gym and squeeze that butt. Or watch your favourite sporting team

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This is a very somber morning.


I’m 39 years old. Have a family and some would say…’all grown up’.


However, my favourite football team imploded last night and were knocked out of the FA Cup, and yet again, I couldn’t sleep for toffee. In hindsight, I should have nailed some Uber Mag with Tryptophan to reduce stress and relax my mind. OR GROW UP!


Anyway, enough of me……



Yesterday, I was training a female client who I’ve been personal Training for one year now.


She mentioned yesterday that since she had started training with me, her knees have stopped hurting when she runs.


I have to say, it’s not the first time that someone has said that to me. Coincidently, last week a guy who is part of my indoor fat loss bootcamps said his hip is so much better from ‘all this work we do in the sessions’.


I don’t  spend hours designing super sophisticated knee strengthening programmes. Incorporating  single leg work, like step ups and split squats to get the butt, hamstrings (back of thighs) and (front of thigh) does the trick for many. Oh, as well as press ups, pull ups, that ‘bloody’ bike, burpees etc etc.


People in my gym will often hear the words ‘come on, squeeze that butt’. Many of us, including myself, have lazy bums and we need to wake ’em up.


Get to gym and squeeze that butt. Or watch your favourite sporting team in a big match. That’s enough to get the butt clenching!!!!


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